Libraries \ Sprite

Reference for Wiring version 1.0 Build 0100+ If you have a previous version, use the reference included with your software. If see any errors or have any comments, let us know.





#include "Binary.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "Matrix.h"

Matrix myMatrix = Matrix(0, 2, 1);

/* create a new Sprite instance
   8 pixels wide, 4 pixels tall
Sprite wave = Sprite(
  8, 4,

void setup()

int x = 0;

void loop()
  myMatrix.write(x, 2, wave);     // place sprite on screen
  myMatrix.write(x - 8, 2, wave); // place sprite again, elsewhere on screen
  delay(75);                      // wait a little bit
  myMatrix.clear();               // clear the screen for next animation frame
  if (x == 8)                      // if reached end of animation sequence
    x = 0;                        // start from beginning
  x++;                            // advance x coordinate to the right

  // invert the value of all the pixels stored in the sprite 
  for (int j = 0; j  wave.height(); j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i  wave.width(); i++) {
      if (, j) == 1) {
        wave.write(i, j, 0);      // sets the sprite pixel located at i, j to 0
      } else {
        wave.write(i, j, 1);
Description The write(x, y, value) method is used to set a sprite individual pixels 1 or 0. Pixel locations are specified in x, y coordinates and the state of a pixel can be 1 or 0.
sprite.write(x, y, value)
x The x position
y The y position
value The value for the selected pixel, it can be either 1 or 0
sprite An Sprite object.
Returns None
Usage Application
Updated on July 07, 2011 11:11:48pm PDT

Creative Commons License