This example is for Wiring version 1.0 build 0100+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know.
PotDemo by BREVIG
Display the intuitive way of using potentiomters when using this Hardware Abstraction class
Display the intuitive way of using potentiomters when using this Hardware Abstraction class
#include <Potentiometer.h> Potentiometer potentiometer = Potentiometer(2); //a Potentiometer at analog in 2 void setup() { Serial.begin(9800); Serial.println("Potentiometer example"); delay(2000); } void loop() { Serial.print("potentiometer.getValue() "); Serial.println(potentiometer.getValue(),DEC); Serial.print("potentiometer.getSector() "); Serial.println(potentiometer.getSector(),DEC); Serial.println(); delay(1000); }