Distance to destination

This example is for Wiring version 1.0 build 0100+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know.

This example illustates access to all sentence types, using the NMEA library. It assumes that a GPS receiver is connected to serial port 'Serial1' at 4800 bps.

#include <nmea.h>

NMEA gps(ALL);    // GPS data connection to all sentence types

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (Serial1.available() > 0 ) {
    // read incoming character from GPS and feed it to NMEA type object
    if (gps.decode(Serial1.read())) {
      // full sentence received
      Serial.print ("Sentence = ");
      Serial.println (gps.sentence());
      Serial.print ("Datatype = ");
      Serial.println (gps.term(0));
      Serial.print ("Number of terms = ");
      Serial.println (gps.terms());