Digital potentiometer: AD5171
Master reader
Master writer
Slave receiver
Slave sender
Ultrasonic ranger: SFR08/SFR10
Compass heading: HMC6352 sparkfun
Compass heading with tilt compensation: HMC6352 sparkfun
Real time clock: DS1307 sparkfun
Temperature and barometric pressure: Sparkfun BOSCH BMP085
Temperature: Sparkfun tmp102
Barometric pressure: SCP1000
MLX90609 Gyroscope: Sparkfun
Servo moving
Multiple servos
Servo & potentiometer
Hello Matrix
Sprite animation
Printing data to parallel LCD display
Encoder read
Storing data
EEPROM data variables
All inputs
Analog inputs
Strings accept and echoing
Wire & Firmata
Old Standard protocol
Servo & Firmata
Analog input/output pins
Digital input/output pins
Standard protocol
Software serial port test
Two ports
Stepper move
Basic positioning
Course to destination
Determining speed
Distance to destination
NMEA Sentence
Button object
Event API for buttons
Button polling technique
Constrained variables
Hello fluent print
LED state machine
Hello Hashmap
Custom Keypad
Dynamic Keypad
Event Keypad
Hello Keypad
Hello Menu
Hello OSC (Open Sound Control)
Basic communication
Check string
Copy string
Hello Password
Password Keypad
Serial Monitor
PotControl LED
Pot Demo
Delayed Signal
Hello Supervisor
Hello Timed Action
Three Examples At Once
This example is for Wiring version 1.0 build 0100+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know .
HelloFluentPrint by BREVIG
#include <FluentPrint.h>
FluentPrint printer(&Serial );
void setup ()
printer.print ("test").print ("other");
void loop ()