Hello OSC (Open Sound Control)

This example is for Wiring version 1.0 build 0100+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know.

Basic Communication by Thomas Ouellet Fredericks and Alexandre Quessy

Control the Wiring board functions with the following messages:

r a -> read analog pins r d -> read digital pins w d [pin] [value] -> write digital pin w a [pin] [value] -> write analog pin p m [pin] [value] -> set pin mode

#include <Messenger.h>

// Instantiate Messenger object with the message function and the default separator (the space character)
Messenger message = Messenger(); 

// Define messenger function
void messageCompleted() 
  if ( message.checkString("r") ) 
  { // Read pins (analog or digital)
    if ( message.checkString("a") ) 
      Serial.print("a ");
      for (char i=0;i<8;i++) 
      { // Read pins 0 to 8
        Serial.print(analogRead(i),DEC); // Send the pin value
        Serial.print(" "); // Add a space separator
      Serial.println(); // Terminate message
    else if ( message.checkString("d") ) 
      Serial.print("d ");
      for (char i=0;i<23;i++) 
      { // Read pins 0 to 23
        Serial.print(digitalRead(i),DEC); // Send the pin value
        Serial.print(" "); // Add a space separator
      Serial.println(); // Terminate message
  else if ( message.checkString("w") ) 
  { // Write pin (analog or digital)
    if ( message.checkString("a") ) 
      int pin = message.readInt();
      int value = message.readInt();
      analogWrite(pin,value); //Sets the PWM of the pin 
    else if ( message.checkString("d") ) 
      int pin = message.readInt();
      int state = message.readInt();
      digitalWrite(pin,state); //Sets the state of the pin 
  else if ( message.checkString("p") &&  message.checkString("m") ) 
  { // Pin mode
    int pin = message.readInt();
    int mode = message.readInt();

void setup() 
  // Initiate Serial Communication

void loop()
  // The following line is the most effective way of 
  // feeding the serial data to Messenger
  while (Serial.available()) message.process(Serial.read());