Bitquid explores the imaginary dividing line where the digital world ends and the analogue world begins. Bitquid consists out of a system of hoses with a total length of about 800 metres. The system can communicate 32 bits at a time. There are two screens, the first screen shows an image before it is sent through the system, the second screen displays the re-digitized image. Links: |
There are environmental phenomena that are far from the experience and knowledge of people. It is necessary to start thinking about information systems, data visualization and the interaction with them that encourage the understanding and contribute to disseminate this knowledge. The MIUs are a set devices that amplify social-environmental phenomena through designed experiences inside/outside the units. Links: |
Just as there are traffic lights that help us regulate traffic both vehicular and pedestrian, why not talk about environmental signals? They could give us information not only from different phenomena but also the environmental state of our ecosystems. We can imagine these lights in different parts of the city, in parks, contaminated or abandoned contexts. The environmental traffic light consists of a series of units for independent particular phenomena; each unit has sensors and a display that provides visual information to the public on the measurement on the site. The collected data is sent over the wireless network at the University of Los Andes to a server where it is stored for further analysis and future work of the project. Links: |
An emotionally driven multi-mode musical interface for 'super-star' wannabe's incapable of playing musical instruments. Links: |
A set of 5 walkable platforms. Such elements represent the sensitive nodes of the system, triggered by means of a simple pressure, exercised generally with feet or hands, by the visitor. Visual (light), audio and video feedback are generated then in a consistent and enjoyable way. Links: |
A restroom gender sign switcher, which operated both automatically and as a result of human interaction and input. It explores aspects of communication, question social norms, and explores how critical design can be used to change the dynamic of communication in the context of a night club. Links: |
A coffee-grinder, set to operate according to the user’s heart-beats. It is a personal product from quality mahogany, in which a motor is built, controlled by an apparatus to measures the pace of the beating heart (HBM, Heart Beat Monitor); also included are peripheral electronics that bind it all together and allow it to work. This machine gives a physical expression to the emotional state of the user and by its design - induce an experience of intimacy with the process of making coffee. Links: |
An interactive installation that generates a micro-community among its visitors by altering the visuals and sound in real time in the installation space. Links: |
An exploration of the two very different forms of “function” od drawings and electronic circuits – with programming as the bridge – and attempt to tie the “functions” of the drawing and the circuit together. Links: |
ARON is a networked music system which enables ambient, non-task oriented listening and sharing experiences. The system includes a music streaming device and an online application for organizing music assets. Links: |
A low-fi interactive system for navigating through live internet radio stations. The physical locations of international radio web streams are mapped on to a virtual landscape, and users can control a physical boat rudder to navigate their way through the streams. The style of the rudder interface and movement of sound was informed by a number of boat trips taken along and around the Amazon river in Colombia. Links: |
A script library of modelling methods developed over the course of a couple of architectural projects and a prototype designed with it. Links: |