Reference for Wiring version 0027+ If you have a previous version, use the reference includede with your software. If see any errors or have any comments, let us know.



void setup() {
  // generates an infinite pulse of 10Hz on PWM output pin 29
  pulseOut(29, 10); 

void loop() {

Description The pulseOut() generate a pulse of a determined frequency in hertz on a specific pin. Since the pulseOut command uses timer1 to generate the pulses accurately the pin available for pulse generation is PWM output pin 29 (only).
pulseOut(pin, frequency)
pulseOut(pin, frequency, nPulses)
pin int the PWM output pin number in which the pulse will be generated. It can only be on output pin 29
frequency int: the frequency for the pulse in Hertz
nPulses int: the number of pulses to generate
Returns None
Usage Application
Related pulseRunning()
Updated on February 22, 2011 06:14:40pm PST

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