Index \ Processing \ BasicX \ C

A BasicX program is written in a flavor of the BASIC programming language. Large distinctions occur with the Wiring and BasicX syntax. Wiring is used to create programs that run in the Wiring hardware. BasicX is used to create programs that run on BasicX microcontroller.

Wiring BasicX
int x = 70; // Initialize
x = 30; // Change value
Dim x as Integer
x = 70  ' Initialize
x = 30  ' Change value
float x = 70.0;
x = 30.0;
Dim x as Single
x = 70.0   
x = 30.0
int[] a = {5, 10, 11}; // Create an array
a[0] = 12; // Reassign

Not available

int a[8]; // Declare
a[0] = 1; // Initialize
Dim a(1..8) as Integer ' Declare
a(1) = 1; ' Initialize
Wiring BasicX

void setup() {
  // Statements

void loop() {
  // Statements

Sub Main ()
   ' Statements
End Sub
for(int a=45; a<=55; a++) {
// Statements
Dim N as Integer
For N = 1 to 10
  ' Statements
if(c==1) {
// Statements
If(c=1) Then
  ' Statements
End If
if(c!=1) {
// Statements
If(c<>1) Then
  ' Statements
End If
if(c < 1) {
// Statements
If(c < 1) Then
  ' Statements
End If
if(c >= 1) {
// Statements
If(c >= 1) Then
  ' Statements
End If
if((c >= 1) && (c < 20)) {
// Statements
If((c >= 1) And (c < 20)) Then
  ' Statements
End If

if(c >= 20) {
// Statements 1
} else if (c == 0) {
// Statements 2
} else {
// Statements 3

If(c >= 20) Then
  ' Statements 1
ElseIf (c = 0) Then
  ' Statements 2
  ' Statements 3
Wiring BasicX

// Comment

' Comment
void doIt(int x) {
  // Statements

Sub doIt(ByVal x As Integer)
  ' Statements
End Sub

Call doIt(x)
int square(int x)
  return x*x;

Function Square( ByVal x As Single) As Single
  Square = X ^ 2
End Function

Wiring BasicX

Serial.println("hello world");

Debug.print "hello world"
int a = 55;
Serial.print(a, DEC);
Dim a as Integer
a = 55
Debug.print CStr(a)
int a = 55;
Serial.print("a is ");
Serial.print(a, DEC);
Dim a as Integer
a = 55
Debug.print "A is "; CStr(a)
Wiring BasicX

// digital output

int thePin = 0;
// Define pin 0 as input.
pinMode(thePin, OUTPUT);
// Sets the pin 0 to HIGH.
digitalWrite(thePin, HIGH);

' digital output

' Define pin 0 as input.
Const thePin as Byte = 0
' Sets the pin 0 to HIGH.
Call PutPin(thePin, 0)
// digital input

int value;
// Define pin 16 as input.
pinMode(16, INPUT);
// Read the value of pin 16.
value = digitalRead(16);
' digital input

Dim value As Byte
' Define pin 16 as input.
Call PutPin(16, bxInputPullup)
' Read the value of pin 16.
value = GetPin(16)
// analog input

int Voltage = 0;
int thePin = 0;
Voltage = analogRead(thePin);
' analog input

Dim Voltage As Integer
Const thePin As Byte = 13
Voltage = GetADC(thePin)
// analog output

int thePin = 0;
// Set pin 0 to 75 percent of full scale.
analogWrite(thePin, 0.75*1023);
' analog output

Dim DACCounter As Byte
Const thePin As Byte = 16
' Set pin 16 to 75 percent of full scale.
Call PutDAC(thePin, 0.75, DACCounter)

// printing to the serial port

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Hello, world");

void loop() {
  // Statements

' printing to the serial port

Private InputQueue(1 To 10) As Byte
Private OutputQueue(1 To 30) As Byte

Public Sub Main()
  Call OpenQueue(InputQueue, 10)
  Call OpenQueue(OutputQueue, 30)
  Call OpenCom(1, 19200, InputQueue, OutputQueue)
  Call PutQueueStr( OutputQueue, "Hello, world" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) )
Delay 0.5
End Sub

// moving a servo motor to 90 degrees.

#include "Servo.h"

Servo myServo;
int servoPin = 15;

void setup() {

void loop() {

' moving a servo motor to 90 degrees.

Sub Main()
  Const servoPin As Byte = 15
  Do ' Generate a high-going 1.5 ms pulse.
  Call PulseOut(servoPin, 0.0015, 1)
  ' This is to produce a pulse rate of about 50 Hz.
  Call Delay(0.02)
End Sub